4,537 Comments for Pennhurst State School

Oops I meant 2 weeks ago
Or did the guy bang his head here? IDK...HEY IT WAS LIKE @ WEEKS AGO WHEN IT WAS SHOWN ON NBC10 NEWS!!!!! Yeesh...
I saw an old clip of a guy banging his head against the window while sitting here... I think. It was on TV.
I saw that place on TV when I was watching NBC 10 News 2 weeks ago. It's pretty neat stuff!!! They showed a 10th grade girl who lived next door to the place (and is obsessed with it), and she was on the news, and old clips! After seeing that story on the news, I wanna visit here in person!!!

If yoy missed the news story, here's the link: http://www.nbc10.com/v.../4294108/detail.html
Ok, I just got done reading all of these posts. I must say that everyone needs to calm down. Some people think Pennhurst was a terrible place, others think not. My opinion does not matter at this point. These pictures were taken many years after the hospital shut down. Obviously this is not exactly what it looked like when it was up and running. No one can prove what happened in that place unless you were there for yourselves. People lie, and some stretch the truth. Get over it. Quit fighting. You believe in one thing, so believe and let the other people think what they want. And if you once worked there, you know the truth, weather you admit it on here or not, you know deep down inside what truly happened, good or bad.
Ok, I just got done reading all of these posts. I must say that everyone needs to calm down. Some people think Pennhurst was a terrible place, others think not. My opinion does not matter at this point. These pictures were taken many years after the hospital shut down. Obviously this is not exactly what it looked like when it was up and running. No one can prove what happened in that place unless you were there for yourselves. People lie, and some stretch the truth. Get over it. Quit fighting. You believe in one thing, so believe and let the other people think what they want. And if you once worked there, you know the truth, weather you admit it on here or not, you know deep down inside what truly happened, good or bad.
IF anyone has any interesting stories please E-mail me, Dem0810@aol.com. Email me with any records also Im interested in knowing what buildings were used for once. Please contact me with any info regarding the binder or other records like it.
Blue Lamp , I couldn't have said it better. ;/
soo sad ):
This is so creepy it sends chills down my spine. Ive always wanted to visit Pennhurst though to take photography, its like my dream.
this is a nice pic wish i could go see it
and alot of what was said in this convo. is whats going on now and how people are working and dealing with the patients. and how itss a hard job. not taking none of that from you! but how people thought back then isnt how people think now! and i have a random ?. how many mean old ladies do you know that used to be nurses. i know of alot thats why im asking!!
k. so your not the only to say it was an o.k place. alot of the others were just visitors and maybe didnt see behind the 1st buildin. but still people. im not all godly but you ever think these people try to change our views hoping it will change the "THE BIG MANS" view alittle for when they see the light because they werent the best of people themselves while they were there.

im not saying everyone who worked there was like this. not at all!! but when people talk i tend to listen. and can normaly find the bad apples just from the way they speak. thats my interrogation skills kicking in!
wow. just from the way marcie talks you can almost tell wat kind of nurse she was or is. she called the patients retards in a post way earlier. who really tries to convince people that these places were ok places when this wasnt the only place being shut down. but every hospital was shut down for its good production, sterile enviroments, and good hospitality right? aka your the one ever to say "it wasnt that bad".
wants to go soon! needs help tho never been.