4,537 Comments for Pennhurst State School

The building and its surroundings really do look dead. The sky looks so vibrant and blue, and the building and the growth surrounding it looks so tired and wasted.
I can't imagine trying to get a restful night's sleep in this painful looking bed. It couldn' t have been even the slightest bit comfortable.
The scalloped design on the top of the buildings remind me a lot of the design theme of Noho.
I dig that copper dome on top of the administration building.
That story sounds like something that happened at a lot of state schools while they were in operation. I know, at least at the Fernald State School in Waltham, MA, the same thing happened. No one was ever allowed on the back wards because the conditions were so horrendous.
Why do so many people insist on setting these beautiful abandoned places on fire? It's such a waste of energy.
I think Pennhurst is so fascinating. I have some family that lives in Royersford, and I'd love to go visit them and see Pennhurst.

As far MARMAR's comment is concerned, there could be patient records hidden behind those bolted doors. I'm sure that the institution never fully emptied itself of all its records. Instead of spending the effort to actually remove the records, they probably just put them all in one room and locked the door so that when explorers inevitably came 'round, they didn't stumble upon the records and tell someone in an authority position.
What a HORRIBLE place to be in !

That fence must have looked liked a giant claw looming over the patient just waiting to clamp down on him or her. All of the landscapes in these institutions need to be completely redone.

Signed: An American Soldier stationed in Germany.
Lina; thank you for responding. Did the patients try to jump alot ? This website is so amazing ! I have been learning so much as I have been reading everyone's experiences.

Take care and thank you.

Signed: An American Soldier stationed in Germany.
I like this photo. It is kinda spooky. On a side note, a relative of mine was put in there as a child and was kind of forgotten. She died there, but I would like to know more about this place.
A deathly silence grips the innocence of childhood...a very poignant shot.
Hmm...I'd like to sift through some of those...
it looks as if someone is standing at the far end of the corridor. Motts who is the person standing over there? is it a friend of you, or yourself?
The picures say it all :(
i love this pic. :))) it reminds me that when i was a child i learnd to play organ and i used to play on similar organs like this one.