5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

rust. metal + water damage (as seen in pretty much every room of the building) = rust.
oh, and for free too. :-) lmfgao
we dont need to demolish the buildings. nature will take care of that.
haha. how can you have "lack of respect" for an inanimate object, i agree, it hink it deff adds its own continuation of the history of the building, its like a timeline. i understand there are "emotional ties" but let it be, thats how an artist lets it out, and leaves a mark, lets the world know they were there, just like the people who left that building behind did when they jumped ship and locked it up. anyone who makes it through that building. deserves to leave their mark. ART FOR ARTS SAKE!
I was 29 on that day lol.
crackheads chill up here.
omg i was here two days ago and the courtyard was completely overgrown i was standing on the roof and the courtyard was just all green plants and tall grass and you are only able to see the top of the little gazeebo thing
def good pic motts!!!
def steam pipe and a way of cooling water. but also would put off heat.
Of course it was written after the place closed. Do you really think a working hospital would just leave some creepy patient graffiti on the wall? No, they'd paint over it.
the inside of that abandoned place was SICK gave me a nasty feeling the way they tryed to make them go normal was nasty and they still had the tools to do so!! It was nasty but it wasnt easy getting in and in one room they had the draws were they would lay the dead boddies were out and me and my friends just got a mad heat rush! It was insane and getting out was hard but trying to find our way out was scary because all we heard above us was moving of stuff and bangs and it was a night I will never forget!
I went to KPPC about three weeks ago, strolled the grounds (which are now a county park). There was a soccer game going on on the field, and tons of families bicycling around the buildings. Which, if you ask me, is mega-creepy.

That said, I didn't see any way inside any of the buildings short of breaking windows, sawing through locks and chains, etc. I saw no cops patrolling or anyone who seemed to even remotely care that my friend and I were behind the fences and trying to get inside.... How the heck do I get in?
How picturesque, the frame of broken glass is fantastic....
Thats my desk as of today.....lol It's a fabulous monday....
The face looks like Michael Myers