5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

What a difference a misty fog makes! Thank goodness you were able to capture the mysterious beauty of this place with these weather conditions. Great job, pal! : )
Thank you so very much for the link and info. Motts. I absolutely love this photo and wanted to know for sure. Keep up the GREAT work :)
judging from the lettering on the walls, im guessing these were prop rooms for the patients. a real office in a hospital like this wouldnt have things like that if it was official lol
to a much earlier post....this was OBVIOUSLY written on the walls after the building was closed, im pretty sure if it was otherwise, it would have been painted over by the custodial staff to prevent patients from getting scared by it.
how did you get into this one?
my friend and i couldnt figure out a way to get into this walkway.
might not be so weird considering the people wandering around on the grounds.....whose to say some of the homeless arent a little crazy themselves?

maria.....def not going back to this spot....i hated walking AROUND all the poop
haha maria.....those two boys were crazy but amazing
getting to the top of the cube is hard, but its very very possible. i couldnt really go up all the way, my fear of heights really started to get to me, but if ure strong enough to hold yourselfup for a bit you can get to the top of the cube.
i have this same photograph that i took the day i was there. i went all the way to the very top of the building, as high as u can go i believe. that long stretch of roofing? very unstable in the middle. i ran across it twice. once to get into this building, and next to get back to where we were and to run away from a cop lol
im curious as to how you got into this buidling.....it wasnt easy for my friends and i to do. and this buidling, least now i know this, is patrolled regularly.

im assuming mostly because of the copper thiefs
this room no longer looks like this. the slabs are gone and now everything is covered in some very nice graffiti. oddly enough theres no weird or cold feelings to be felt in this room...least thats wat i thought
i climbed through these.....tight squeeze
i went here. climned up and into the building.....got caught sometime later on haha
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