5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

or Tara after the burning of Atlanta
Motts, I think these turned out AWESOME! Great work!
I wonder if they had a telephone or computer access or e mail or wi fi.
Look at that detail. My God, that's beautiful.
Those doors would be worth a fortune at a scrap yard today. Creepy but beautiful. I love old abandoned buildings.
reminds me of the Washington Monument
i noticed that sign has the only hint of color in the picture
that really makes it look like a city
the building reminds me of my school
WOW! that really is creepy it makes me think of Stephen King
Hi! JackieB I miss you so so much. Awsome can't wait to see you soon. i am looking forward to seeing to the winter.
I'm embarrassed that it's taken me so long to find this website, but it's photos like this that make ME glad that I did and make YOU my hero.
If you break nothing, and find an open door.... Is it still breaking and entering? :-P
Emergency drugs in medical speak refers to drugs needed to treat a cardiac or respiratory arrest. They also contained meds to treat patients who exhibit severe alllergies. These are standard in areas that treat patients of all kinds. Atropine, Narcan, epi, Benadryl, lidocaine are examples of meds that would be in this location.
And so many bars on the windows. what a forboding appearance,
surrender hope all who enter here.