5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Eastern State is the Holy Grail of abandoned buildings. I'm so envious.
I was 28 in 1985, had two kids, was working multiple paramedic jobs, and lived in Saint Albans, West Virginia. Today, the kids are grown & gone, my back is totally screwed up from working multiple paramedic jobs & I live in Cocoa, Florida. Buildings aint he only things that deteriorate with time.
Hey Larry I went to Eastern State Penitentiary this morning!!!!
Those pipes look kinda chunkyfuzzy. Had this place been abated already, and they missed the tunnels?
Yeah, the way the wall at the end looks skewed but then you realize it's not the back wall, just where the hallway turns right.
I love that I can't tell whether this is in color or b&w.
The stairs and railing on the right look like an old photo, but the part on the left around where the paint is peeling is just cream enough to tell it's not. Contrast in more than one way.
wow , I think this might be the first actual soap dispenser Ive seen.
>>... btw DW... wouldn't it be interesting if you were reincarnated into a racoons body after u die?? *throws head back and emits an evil laugh*<<

I'd assume that the odds of reincarnating as anything are .... zero.

So, I'll take the odds on worrying about that happening.
Follow-up for all of the folks in the "humans are the bad animals" camp. I guess you guys either live in the burbs or the city, or don't really get outside much.

Read up a little on raccoons. They're not dogs or cats....and cut it on the latent "civilized man's guilt" thing (where your basic needs have been met, and you choose to find things to feel bad about because you don't have to struggle for your existence), there are bigger problems in the world.

He'd be better as a coat. There's no shortage of them. They make OK pets if you have them from birth, but you don't want them mixing with the wild ones if you keep one as a pet, and even as pets, they bite. When the wild ones bite, you have big trouble.

See if your feelings are the same if you have them fighting with your dogs or unwanted around kids (though most of you probably aren't mature enough that you have kids).
Absolutly amazing, i as the just the other week and the place blew my mind. stunning shot
This picture is definitely eerie. Amazing angle!
where exactly is this? im a photographer and im going to be going to kppc soon and ive been hearing about a lot of different buildings and rooms with great stuff to shoot. if anyone knows anything about this or any other rooms, feel free to email me. it'd be appreciated. thanks!

email: jessi_jigsaw@yahoo.com
I like abandoned buildings, too, Larry. In fact, I live close to two of them: I love close to Eastern State Penitentiary and Pennhurst.
it's a semi-circle or hemisphere (3d). A crescent is formed by removing a circular disk from the edge of another circular disk. Then again, if you're going to name a picture, semi-circular window, and hemispherical window, just don't sound as good as crescent window :)
There is something I just LOVE about pictures taken in the fog. What a stunning gallery, Mr. Motts! Thank you!