5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Great shot.
I love before and after pictures. Would be great to somehow get pictures of back then and compare. I love reading books that show you the way an area looked like and then see how it looks like today. Have one on Gettysburg and Pearl Harbor like that and it's amazing how things change.
I don't think I would have dared to breathe in that room. I'd be afraid that it would fall down around my ears!
please tell me you reported the abuse Karen....
This Gonzo looks more like the Muppet Babies version. Does anyone else remember that cartoon?
This would make a gorgeous wallpaper.

Beautiful shot Mr. Motts
Love this picture. You can really see the deph in it.
Very nice murels. Wonder if the person who did them is still around? I painted a huge murel on my basement wall many years ago; having to do with the battle of Gettysburg. After I moved, about 13 years ago, I often wondered if it was still there.
Why all the mess? Vandels? --Then someone should get rid of it.
Another one bites the dust.
This must have been a beautiful room at one time.
I'd love to take one of those spray paint cans and-------
Love the steps.
Wish I could be walking down that path!
Beautiful Shot!!