5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

it says "HIM"
dme I find you quite interesting so please meet me and we can discuss this. Post where and when. I am close by in an after care facility as for I was inpatient for many years at KPPC and am allowd out once a day for an hour . You can usually find me at the bluff.
wow ive never seen a studded door before...
Sketch, i see it now thanks for showing us.
I love it but i hate it too, the reason i love it is because of the beauty of it, but it also makes me feel like i fell on the floor and i crawling towards the window gasping for air :((((
Does anyone else see the face???????
i was born in 1996, the year it was closed. i live very close to it and go to the middle school that is in the complex. i find this all verrrryyyy interesting! i would love to go in the buildings and see for myself.
It looks like a Snork (80's cartoon) posted on the right side wall leading into the room.
It looks like the face of the robot from Yo Gabba Gabba! (Sorry my boys watch it everyday, I can't help it)
Owen - that was an amazing description and I almost felt like I was there myself witnessing it all. The history of these places makes me speechless.

Awesome pictures too.
I know for sure, that if I ever had enough money, I would buy this building and clean it up of the carcinogenic and dangerous parts.
Then I would live in it, as it is- of course it would have to be safe- and still open it for people that are curious about it.

a girl can dream eh?
I can see a ghostly face outside the window? not sure tho any one else see that??
My inner U.S. Marine almost stood up and saluted! Evoked quite an emotional response. Don't know why.