178 Comments for Linfield Industrial Park

Obviously a generator like this would not have originally been sitting in the middle of a driveway. Apparently someone tried to remove it from its original site, and then gave up -- caught by the cops maybe? Anyway, a good size roll-back truck or truck and crane would have been needed to move it, and due to its age and condition, probably would not have been worth the effort or expense. But it does make a good pix. No, I can't identify the make -- damned!
this is building q it has wine in there if you can still get in there.
i am from linfield and this place was the playground for all the kids in linfield i can tell you about anything this place.
LOL! EBay.... can you imagine the S&H on that puppy?!
Yeah there was an open door back there.
Looks to me like there is just an open window behind the colom lighting this one up
what did you use to light this?
i just marvel at the stuff people leave to rot. weren't these things important for power? why do you think someone just said, "well, can't bring it home, so just leave the fucker"? i realize eBay has revolutionized reselling, but there've been ads in tabloids for like a few hundred years--why wouldn't the owner have re-sold it? sorry, there's just a part of my brain that goes, "nah, it can't be important or someone would have taken it or sold it!"
I don't, I'm just making this up as I go along...

But seriously, it's a matter of deduction, a diesel motor not on a car, lots of wires hanging out, and some dials with voltage output give it away... it's a lot easier to tell when you're looking at the thing up close.
really like how the weeds fill the negative space
this is a very cool shot--wonder what it'd look like in IR...
how the hell do you know what this stuff is? i always wonder about contraptions like these but can never quite imagine what they're for...
seems like a good candidate for a vertical/horizontal panorama