143 Comments for Saint Mary's Hospital

Can of Busch beer hidden in the rubble
Yes - so this is exactly above the Entrance 1536 Papin Str. 3.rd floor? Look - there is even a light-bulb still there.
Thank you so much for the historical pictures too.
People were much shorter 100 years ago.
seems to be a globe shaped light cover Mica
It could also be vegetable matter of some kind. Straw?
C´est la vie..gone ..but thank you so much - thoroughly enjoy this big gallery.
May the road rise to meet you always.
Google Earth 4/3/2016 it is still there to look at.
What a pretty door. Very low knob?
What IS that little white round thing to the right?
Beautiful soft green shiny tile. What an invention
- it really does last forever concur, Tootuncommon
Chair with a view - probably very nice too.
YES. It is amazing
Guess it got too dry....
"Don´t fall apart on me tonight!"
Aha - and here there are doors - three hinges old-school strong. Six panels.
Chairs left behind
That is what we do