143 Comments for Saint Mary's Hospital

Chairs Meeting......one is a bit aloof.....
- You take great pictures, so sharp + /always/ so much to look at, learn, ponder + think about; the window treatment: a little arch or straight.
Thank you so much. Am happy.
(So in background is S.14 Str. CF Blanke Building? )
What a mess...and then smack in the middle of the rubble: A Lightbulb. You take awesome pictures - thanks.
Yes, John Galt; but see not much sign of hinges....... anywhere...and that is strange. O R - they were very clever, and took the hinges too?
The place looked graffiti free in the images so there was that.
Looks like someone stole the bannisters and railings.
I'm not sure if it's the angle but the door appears to less wide than it should be.
I was so confused when I accidentally read that as "a pair of wadders."
The intact cabinets were the first thing I noticed, so nice to see. Of course someone took out the window on the right and enlarged the opening a bunch. More tender mercies of scrappers.
Even the chairs keeled over
Given the detailing on the frame it may have been ornate door, it may have been salvaged at some time.
I have encountered a number of these potty chairs in my urbex over the years. Usually in abandoned houses along w/ other medical type things. It is always odd and depressing to find such things abandoned.
I do like that table, it might have been restore-able.
Thanks, Motts! I am continually amazed at how you keep coming up with new and interesting galleries. A tip of the lens cap to you.
Yup. I'm surprised they were able to replace those old windows with glass block.