447 Comments for Maison Kirsch

It's a trap!
It looks like something designed to separate heavier sediment or liquids.
Beautiful and haunting. Have found a few similar things in some abandoned houses. Nothing like this, just a few odds and ends, plus they had only been empty for a few years.
What an amazing gallery and find!
Tom as always your photography skills amaze me, and my favourite abandonments are homes so this set just blew me away. :) It's been a very long time since I have commented in here, but this one just calls to me. Well done!
Cool piece! I wonder if the middle section use to house a clock?... looks like an old Grandfathers clock would fit nicely there.
I have just entered a time wrap for sure. Amazing light!
Loving this old overnight kit. Awesome find with the used toothpaste, and silver bar-soap holder. The lighting and the clarity of this shot is spectacular. Good job Motts!
I can so see paintings of various family members hanging on those walls watching everyone that entered.
What a great shot! Love the overall view here with the vacuum cleaner , wooden doors and staircase. Someone i know who views these pics will love that lighting fixture! :)
Awesome view of these old, cobwebby jars and hand mixer. The largest jar looks like the contents separated and turned into clabber of some sort.
Wonderful new Gallery! Is this a first for you? I don't remember an old home place in your large portfolio.!?! Cant wait to see this....Thanks so much! :)