254 Comments for Detroit Osteopathic Hospital

Yee, Mike - it would work - the text in the middle, maybe RED: "Dead End Dealing And Wheeling" - about a morgue assistant who always plucked out the eyes of bodies and........
Some still all shiny and then the rust never sleeps and creeps in...so damp
Thank you, flushed. And this GOLDEN hue tint shade we HAVE seen before. Imagine red blood and Golden glazed brick or cinder blocks.
Always good stuff, thank you for sharing!
We stopped having our fellow citizens make the goods we use every day. Now we are paying the price.
You'll know if you get the toxins from the bad mold. You'll feel poisoned and you'll stop breathing in your sleep, wake up gasping for breath. That's what the stuff did to me.
Most of those PTs are still in the rooms.
That was me.
Heavy glass to protect viewers from the violent zombie babies.
Good sturdy cage for toddler zombies.
Yeah, but they don't eat much.
The guy that invented those was being ignored by the medical community. To fund his efforts and prove they could help premees, he set them up as an attraction at an amusement park. Coney Island I think it was.
That thing looks like it will eat your head.
I've hung gobs of wall vinyl in hospitals. Splatters of goop and chunks just wash right off.
Keypunch operator was a job in great demand. Maybe some of the older zombies still know how to use it.