254 Comments for Detroit Osteopathic Hospital

The wall-paper did....deal with it, in a caressing way ....
Yeah - chairs lost direction - it´s because of The Green Spot. So round.
Good thinking. For brain and nerve only seems interesting
Oster double action knife/scissor sharpener really IS very cool - would love to have one.
Your pictures are so sharp.
Ohhh dear "fresh" seems paradoxical to me - but you were There - so OK! The Golden tiles really like.
The Peel is Great! Thank you so much - a new Gallery! Is joy! + Tiles last, color is pretty golden.
they look lost
what like the bodies would rise ???????
yuk again
Sure, it happens a lot in big cities - Detroit, Philly, NOLA, Berlin etc.

I make a point in evading anyone inside the place with me; you just don’t know who it could be, but it happens from time to time. 95% of the people that I’ve met over the years kept to themselves or were pretty cool if we chatted, they just need a place to live and don’t want trouble. “Professional” scrappers (who don’t live in these places) can be dicey as they’re usually armed and can think you’re on their turf. Meth heads and gangs just plain suck.
Ha, nah it’s part of a fake christmas tree.
They do that with HVAC on remodels when there is no space to put them within the footprint of the new construction. I would guess they put larger all new heat/cool units on the roof to supply these ducts.