186 Comments for Packard Automotive Plant

That orange one on the right HAS to be from the 70s
The brick shape hinted at that, but I can't image what it would be for. Maybe it's the byproduct of shredding documents? It was located in the administrative offices...
No, not syringes... they look like large nails with the heads slightly bend, perhaps some assembly part?
The blue light is from an LED flashlight used when I walked back there; it emits a much cooler light temperature than the maglite that's illuminating the foreground.
I think the caretaker had left by the time I started exploring Packard, although I do recall the very Northernmost building still being used at that point.
"In October 2013, a Spanish investor, Fernando Palazuelo, also expressed interest in securing the Packard Plant. It was purchased for $405,000 on December 12, 2013." (credit to Wikipedia). He has done a lot of cleanup. Even put a Packard banner back on the bridge.
Love the way the opening in the wall lines up with the view across the way. It makes it look like the gap was somehow filled in with a series of smaller windows.
History tends to repeat itself, as such I can both picture workers here on every level (in the past) and at the same time a similar facility in China or India (today) where the work is currently being done. I wonder if in 50 to 100 years the future equivalent of a Motts will be taking photographs there.
Autoguy, those piers are for equipment, most likely pumps. That is how large high torque equipment is mounted. They have to be balanced and the mount mustn't move or warp.
Glad that someone sees some value in this beautiful place enough to make some use of it. Thanks for letting us get some inside views of it, Motts...on to the next
Bet it was eerie and creepo central down there, lol. Love it!
Lovin' this tunnel!
I'd hate to be standing anywhere near that thing when (and if) it comes crashing down without warning!