270 Comments for Sanatorium d'Aincourt

Won't be getting by this way, lol
Stunning shot.
Well now, he's just getting all the good spots isn't he, haha. Really pretty out there! I could spend hours sitting with a buddy and talking and taking in the beauty of mother nature.
Shock to the system haha.
Mine hit the road cone first then the graffiti. A spot of bright color in the charred room.
Would hate to go running down there and trip and go flying out one of those windows, lol. Wouldn't be funny at the time though. And yet again I totally want this as a wallpaper. Man this plan was surrounded by trees and nature and foliage--love that!
Oh my-too much going on here for my brain to wrap around, lol. I like the graffiti in the middle; my eyes went to that first.
This is rather creepy but not bad graf.
Poor building. This makes sense with an abandoned nursing home my group and I used to investigate. We wondered why a certain hallway and certain rooms were burned but it never occurred to us that is probably was used for that purpose. We also saw bullet casings so the police probably used it for some kind of training as well.
That is unsettling but it beats the other tags.
Sad state this grand lady is in.
This room is quite the mess! Too much going on here
LOVE this!
I would also have loved this as wallpaper! I LOVE these curved walkways this place has
Love the staircase. Stupid taggers are everywhere.