327 Comments for Paris Catacombs

This place is amazing.
Yuck, wouldn't want that all over me
I wouldn't dare take human remains, but I have my reasons
Good thing I checked in again later today--new gallery!

Yeah I learned about these tunnels from I believe an episode of Ghost Adventures. Cool looking place!
How do people get away with stealing human remains?? I've heard from a few individuals that guards usually check people before leaving the catacombs for such reasons.
You have been spoiling us with all these new sets Motts!
Rodents eat them too.
Well bone is bone and ground bone meal is good for crops. It helps plants make good roots..
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.....
A Poet too
What a place - Thank you for ALL the Information
- had absolutely no idea it is so huge + vast.
Ohhhh how fantastic - A New Gallery - have always wanted to visit this very famous place - and thanks to you..... now will. Bless.
May you always be well is a wish.