How sad to see an obviously once-beloved toy just laying abandoned and forgotten on a rusting bed frame.
That's a lot of tile.
looks like a pottery kiln,why it would be in such a place i dont know...but thats what it looks like to me without its door of course
this place has by far the most delapadated morgue ive seen anywhere yet, and in that i find it the most disterbing. how delightful
alot of these places seem to have similar atributes to those of met state
i think its just cute, through and through, i want one
odd shape for an autoclave no?
this picture is awesome, great lighting. amazing picture, I believe this is my favourite as well
evil monster deep a sleep under the roof
Oh you DID find the "freak room"! Maybe I should surf the entire gallery before commenting...
I'm guessing that it had a glass "bell" like thing attached to it to diffuse the light.
Lovely shot!
Another strange thing about it is that dark colors like black or dark blue are near impossible to keep clean of dust and water marks.
Never trust orbs you see around reflective objects. (Well, I wouldn't recommend trusting orbs in general) Especially in old and/or drafty rooms and buildings. Not to disprove your theory entirely, but it could be dust or dirt or a number of other things disturbed by the activity in a long since dead environment. But I would say never to rule out the possibility in a place like this ; )
I think its for family members lol.