88 Comments for Wheatley-Provident Hospital

And also put a new coat of paint on it
I like the cabinets/shelves just take that one lonely door off it and turn it into just shelves and put it in your kitchen
Yes - absolutely, Darlene - but to take the paint off the doorframes is REALLY Hard tiring WORK, I know - because I do it in my house.
So those unpained frames probably must be original, don´t you think?
In Old Sweden; unpainted always meant = poor. Not even money for paint.
I hope you didn't come all the way to KC just for this crappy location
Zombies leave the clothing behind when they're feeding. Too hard to chew.
That's actually an image of the outdoors being projected. Same as the old pinhole in cardboard projector trick. Cool.
Awesome old school stonework, still as solid as the day it was finished. A fortress compared to the wimpy stuff made in this day and age.
I used to live outside of Hayes KS.. They would take old limestone buildings, barns and houses, gut them, save what they could from the inside. Then carefully take them apart numbering the stones as they went. Then move them and put them back together like a jigsaw puzzle. If they can do that then this building could be saved if someone wanted to bad enough.
Oh! Want to slide down the banister!
I always love seeing the various styles of these places. The stairways are always interesting to me.
That asylum sign is so tacky. I know they don't care about this building anymore, but that sign has GOT to go! Yeah, the tires need to go too.

Thanks Motts. This was a great little place to "explore". On to the next...
Love the beige color of this stairwell
One of my most unfavorite things, falling through floors. You guys know what I'm gonna say next... boy, I would hate to go running down that left side.... lol
What a barren room, stripped of everything, including the kitchen sink
What kind of dog do you have, Motts?