218 Comments for Heiden Hotel

That screaming red velvet wallpaper with the yellow must had been so awesome. That must be the circus clown wing.

This whole place had lots of tongue and groove paneling and nice woodwork in it. Sad it all went to waste.
There was some kind of ghoulish person stitched up in that mattress. I saw those on American Horror Story.
It's a party resort. That was their cocaine snorting mirror.
Same thing here flushed. That would be the perfect door for the industrial loft style. Excellent effect.
I'll guess possums. Possums are awesome. Zombie possums are even better.
This place was furnished like a $5 flop house. Went out of business? Imagine that!
That's a bucket to catch drips from the leaky pipe. Gawdy outdated decor at this place by the late 80s. Ugly sprinkler system installation looks like an industrial factory.. These folks didn't put any money into the place so it went under.
"For a good time, call....." If that's how they were painting the place, there's not much question as to why it went under.
That's where the children were eaten by zombies.
Looks like he just lost his axx in the casino.
Still in good shape! Plenty of motels would still use that. The ones that charge by the hour.
Is that the $21 room or the $32 room?
THAT. IS. AWSOME!!! What amazing patterns on one bird. It's actually quite beautiful (vulture or not). I love the fluffiness of it's body contrasted with the "swirly" quality of the wings. Maybe not the cutest FACE, but hey, we can't all be supermodels, right? lol.
Rotting flesh? :-0.....most likely a recently-dead animal, though (thankfully)..but maybe not....(eeeeww, anyway...)
Oh wow, nice birdie......glad you didn't have it come after you.