1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

Explore at your own risk!

The photographs and information on this site is solely for historic and enjoyment purposes only. Neither Opacity.us, nor any of it's affiliates, will be held liable for your arrest, injury, or death while at any of these locations.

Many sites here are private property and are patrolled by private security, and local, state, and Mental Health police, who may be armed and have the power of arrest! You are subject to fines and/or arrest if you are caught trespassing on these grounds. Many semi-active location security forces will confiscate your film/camera in regards to patient privacy. Please cooperate with security on grounds, they are just doing their job, and that should be respected.

These places are neglected and very dangerous; beware of collapsing structure, asbestos, lead, tetanus, toxic molds and crackheads

Some locations are not revealed to protect the integrity of the site and it's owner(s). Please do not contact me about directions to locations, hidden location names, or how to enter any of the properties.

Awww sooo cute!! It's napping! -pokes it- Wow must be a heavy sleeper
What happened? Did a little tiny person explode in there?
Next Patient! Please strip and put this gown on the doctor is ready for your balls.
Whats sad is they wouldnt even think about entertaining mental patients at this scale now days. They would buy them a scrabble game or something
And then you would be placed in a straight jacket and locked up in a padded cell, which is what you would deserve anyway, Conor. I really dislike destructive people like you! Stop it and grow up, geeez

Jeanette: Yeah it's really sweet! I like it too!
I agree with you KahunaTony.
Yeah it's definitely sloped. I also wondered if it was just me at first, but on a second look I noticed that it can clearly be seen when comparing how high the tops of the windows stretch. The first window is higher up than the other one next to it, and so on.
Sad? Sweet? Amazing? Come on, it's just some garbage lying around. The shape of it makes it look corny. But that's just what I think.
It looks like an office or something in that direction
Oh I've been down that road as well. Our first computer was a 286 running DOS 3.0 or 3.3 (can't remember exactly) with a 30mb 5.25" harddrive, 5.25" floppy disk and an external 3.5" floppy drive. We even had a printer to it so you could print your documents from MS Works version 2.0 I think it was. It also had a couple of games in it, like Space Invaders and such. My dad bought the computer from his job. The next one was a 386 some years later, it had Windows 3.1 and we even had internet on that one, with a 28.8K dial-up modem and Netscape that would take about 2 minutes only to start. This one also came from my dads job. Man those were some times hehe! We still have these computers and all their accessories in our possession. I graduated from high school this year so I was only a little kid when we used those computers. I learned how to start the 286, get into dos (there was like a little starting menu at first where you had to type a specific number to get into dos) and then type "space" (without the quotes) to make space invaders start before I could even read!
For those who are that curious where these places are, all you have to do is google the name, and the location appears somewhere.
WOW! Looks really comfy
If I had them, I would use them on my kids!