1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

Oh my that is a small freezer even for the dead.
I like all that woodwork!
a new gallery - oh joy!
Time for Mr. Motts to disappear before the person in the Sign-in book shows up at 8 am. I don't know what the PM stands for either. Property Manager? Private Maintenance? Thanks for another great gallery Mr. Motts. The hospitals and asylums are the best. I spent about a solid month last summer looking at all your galleries after I discovered your site.
I wouldn't want to get on that thing.
Wow... did it smell in there? i.e. of moisture, mold, rot, grass etc.? I agree, Phiftybuick, it does look kind of like a map.
Once again Mr. Motts' eye catches a great detail, turning his lens onto the side of the aisles and the wonderful detail on the chair ends.
I would assume quite a bit of moisture was getting into this theatre, from walls and ceilings or both??
Wow, what a difference from the previous, more-or-less cheerful, bright shot of the isolation room.
I agree, Phiftybuick. Very unusual and imaginative angle. I can make out Hello and Here is and a few other words on the door. The door looks closed, but Mr. Motts is still with us, so I assume it did not lock behind him. Pepto bismol walls as MamaOfFive will say. Great shot.
Power was still on....careful Motts!
It does look more like a factory
Wonderful wood shelves. What was in the boxes?
The stainless & aluminum would polish up like new...and the paint, too. This would be a great addition to a medical museum!
Complete with stirrups. Yikes! I like the built-in cabinet. And the infamous green tile.