699 Comments for Six Flags New Orleans

Oh! This is beautiful yet so sad!
i just stood on my head
i fallen and i cant get up
bugs bunny killed taz
I do not know what those white hanging squares up close to ceiling are for.
It´s been ten years /almost/ now since The Flood Katrina.
Wonder how this place is now.
Dreamt about it. Weird too.
Did you take the jocco animatronic down of was it already there and stuck to the floor
That is because it is a homage to a wooden roller coaster that had been at Potchertrain beach, the Zepher
The Vikings are driven in over forty feet, because the whole park is built on swamp. This has always been like this, since there was no real need to pump out this area, it looked like this when the park was open too.
You have no idea how refreshing it is on a hot summer day when you hit about 120 with the heat index... unfortunately, with the extreme humidity, that "oh thank heaven" only last about 10 seconds, then you are just covered in hot water.
If this is the one I'm thinking of, it not only spun, it swung pendulum style out over the lake in one direction, and the rest area in the other direction.
Shame, it was fun. You went through the ride to forewards, then backwards. Although I remember my brother and niece getting nauseated on it.
Actually, this was an awesome ride, and was built over a manmade pond when it was Jazzland (I had a year long pass when they opened, but never made it to six flags, it was too expensive). It felt more like flying than falling, because it was a huge swing.
@N. Agreed
Lol @Tony C
^ EEEEWWwwww!