Look at the half circle strap behind the IV pole. I think that was a place for an oxygen tank. I think it is an old "crash cart" for a patient in distress. I have never seen one quite like it. Stainless steel is deceptive it could be much older than we think, for close to 50 years all of the supplies would be behind locked doors secured with a one time use plastic "pop" lock for an emergency.
@Carolyn- sorry. I'm used to communicating with people who aren't easily grossed out.
Bobo, nice poem!
Looks like a Christmas or other holiday ornament bulb package. Wonder where the contents went?
Only you can make a DOORWAY look creepy!
It's a siren!
mr, yes I've been busted a couple of times, it's bound to happen.
This, my friends, is an ACME disintegration pistol, and it's not in it's most pristine condition, I must say.
I think its a very old snow cone maker
Have you ever been caught in one of these places?
Is there a little action figure next to it.
that is terrifying!
Please tell me you put him back in.
So sad this gorgeous old building had to go. Good thing we have Motts to preserve beautiful places like this for us! Thanks Motts and keep 'em coming!
LOVE the dormer windows too! Too bad this is now gone but they let it get too far gone to have saved it when these pics were taken. I would have loved to take a tour through this place!