I find it interesting that there is a cross below "Le Mosche". It is relatively common belief in some areas that flies are symbols for the devil and are often bad omens.
Well, I guess the plate could be marble, but the letters are made out of iron or another stone and then fixed upon the plate.. Some of the letters fell off, you can cleraly see it!
*Gets MomPink another Espresso*

Here you go Madame...enjoy! :)

I got lost in this gallery too. Sigh...NEED MORE MOTTS PICS...*Hyperventilating*

AH! LOL. I will wait patienty (I suppose)...
Ah gotta love that smell of abandonment early in the morning, eh Motts?

What exactly IS an arcade? The only thing I can think of is the one that has video games in it lol.
:) bobo...I always come back to you....:) It is nice to hear from you too.

This makes me think of the Addams family for some reason...or Marilyn Manson...what the heck?
OH YEAH MomPink! I am TOTALLY with you on that one. Maybe that would even be a GOOD thing...no technology, just nature as she was meant to be experienced.

SO agreeing with you right now. :)
Thanks for sharing that Mr. Motts. It is always wonderful to "get inside your head" sometimes and find out the reasons behind the pictures. :)
LOL MomPink...yeah! Let's go with that...lol.

I agree that it adds almost a fairy-tale quality to the room. Anyone else agree?
LOL the shoe is in pretty good shape...except for the leaves and stuff in it lol. Iiii don't think I will be putting my foot in there any time soon...who KNOWS what is living in there...even a muck monster. YUCK.
I see that Lucie! Is it me or is there a string hanging from the black pipe overhead too?

NOW I am creeped out.
*Giggle* you guys are so silly...


Well now...I don't think I want to eat those beans lol. ATOMIC beans...hahah.
Ya know what JackieB...you have something there...

That is what bothers me most about this picture...the lack of color. It is so pale it SCREAMS death (almost) or ... just ... non-life, if you know what I mean.

Wow. That was a right powerful observation JackieB. :)
Definitely a male angel...no um...breasts on it. (SORRY!)

LOL @ MomPink that was a good one.
I agree with MomPink...it does look a little like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa or graffiti on the Sistene Chapel...

This building is way too beautiful to be disrespected like that.