698 Comments for Hotel Heinrich Heine

So true Mamatofive Those just before bed peeking in have led to many a late night for me. Can't wait to see what is next.
UNMASK!!!.... UNMASK!!....and the red death held sway over all...

anyone else think of "The Shining"?
if you turn away from the picture... the chair will move.
The partitions in the background do not appear to be original. It almost looks like the space was divided for some other purpose, like you would do in an office to create work areas.
pee-wees play house
He is planning his escape from the hideous little piggy who is chasing him!
Absolutely hideous!!
Old fizzy wine, sans fizz. Wine that sits upright without the benefit of a wet cork gets 'corked' or just plain spoiled. It's probably naught but bad vinegar by now.
I remember those from when I was a kid. My brothers and I used to get in and go around and around until Mom whacked us.
Yah, that's a Telex device all right. The hotel must have had a lot of high-falutin' guests or it's left over from the military.
I wrote copy on an AP teletype back in the early 70's--before the newspaper went over to a computer based system.
I wonder if the light in the ceiling is also ventilation for cigarette smoke? I think there is something like this in Grand Central Station?
Party Favors and streamers, unmasking at midnight.
*i mean lights! oh, the confusion!!
Good idea autoguy...but do they protect against zombies or their evil plan to eat yourbraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains...we need braaaaaaaaains....

Sorry...got sidetracked! I keep checking to see if another gallery is up...nothing yet! :D Waiting patiently here. :)