538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

Hmmm, I can almost Imagine Steve McQueen getting sent to the Kooler as in the film The Great Escape. But I dont understand the observation window if this was a walk in chiller or a punishment cell
they look more like a pair of 80's cookers, assuming that the pipes going to them are for gas
normal door, tall ceilings, looks like either a lab or possibly the remains of a kitchenette or wash room, note the lack of soap dispencers
Judging by the age ferdy, it looks like where patches of plaster have come away, either that or its paint
this looks like it could have been a shower room with stalls that are no longer there.
love the titles dont get rid of them!
im loving all the different angles in this set
i absoulty love this photo :)
I like your titles too. You're good at coming up with the perfect words/title for a picture, Motts.
The color makes it look warm in there to me for some reason.
That is unexpected and nifty.
What a fantastic shot. You have a gift for getting the right picture compositions. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Another piece of history is history. :(
Thanks for documenting it before it met its end Motts!