538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

I can't see the forest for the trees...

Don't know why that came to mind lol.

You would think that this is out in some wilderness somewhere and not in a pretty urban-ish area where people go to buy groceries as A D Nilsen said.
My first impression was of a gymnasium, but it looks way too small for that...

That thing on the wall makes me think of physical therapy...you know those pull-things to build strength? I don't know what it is called, but that is what it makes me think of.
My 12 year old took German...I will have to ask her what the grafitti says.

Love the color to this shot!
It looks like the ceiling over the windows is ready to collapse! I think these windows have seen better days...
Nice piles of debris on the floor...what colors too!
I can't imagine what that platform was used for...nothing is coming to mind. It looks like a lab or some kind of work-area? I haven't a clue!
That thing on the top of the door looks menacing too...Big Brother is watching...or something will shoot at you as you walk into this room.
LOVE your titles!! Don't get rid of them!!

I also often go back to your titles after reading the comments here and look at the picture again, oftentimes finding some other little detail that I had missed the first time. The titles help me get a feel for the picture.
There is a big X created by those wires on the floor...maybe there is some treasure buried there!!

Looks like a dining hall or something to that effect to me.
MMMMmm...wino-urine yellow...my favorite color. :D

What IS that thing by the door???

That is one authentic Zombie-Prevention Doors! :D

HAHAHA...I missed you guys!
This reminds me of the skit that Robin Williams did about when our planet is destroyed...and nature would be badk first. :)

I love how they are in the sunlight, just soaking it up despite the ruins around them. :) Makes you have hope for our planet...just a little bit.
1950's Kitchen came to mind when I first looked at this.

HAHAH @ fnajera...that was a GOOD one!
That is so creepy, yet fascinating! This is a really good shot!

You should be so proud of the shots you get Mr. Motts! They really show a LOT of talent and are artistically brilliant. :)
Hmm...that door looks like just MY size! :D No, I am NOT an Oompa Loompa. :D