538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

I agree...those windows look like sad empty eyes, looking out on a world that it no longer recognizes, or that recognizes IT...

Sigh. I wax poetic tonight. :)

Time for bed! Our 15-month-old needs to b e fed and put to bed too. :)

Thanks for the gallary Mr. Motts! I have to catch up on the other 2 I missed, IF I can. :)
Yeah...how surreal that almost is...

The Past meets The Present, and it doesn't even seem like they are in the same TIME period!
Cap'n...I canna make her go any fastah!

I can't say what that guy on the ladder is getting ready to do to the guy sitting there...

>.< AH My mind is perverted now...
Looks like a demon head by the painting! AAAH!!!

That is one funky piece of art, that is for sure!
Ewwww..wouldn't want to shower in here!
That door looks a little trampled!
Wow...nice tagging! :)
Reminds me of a subway terminal a little!
I bet that floor was beautiful at one time.
Fascinating photography. Time and water sure does a number on these buildings.
Or a Zombie-Detecton Light that warns of an impending Zombie attack??

Hahaha...more tiles and more graffiti! Nice. :)
NICE graffiti on the walls!

NO SOAP DISPENSERS!!! (Literally this time!)
I love how the strings are hanging from the celing and they blend perfectly in line with the trees outside the window. :)