3,287 Comments for Danvers State Hospital

love the black and whites, makes me want to live there! Seriously!
Hah wow I butchered that word... thanks it's fixed now!
Not to be a pain in the...

But you spelled Silhouette wrong.
Dunno how you got in there but you got some big bawlz on ya. I know someone who lives within a close view of the place and they tell me theres tight security 24/7 with violators being arrested. I'd never buy a condo there I'll tell you that much. Creepy as hell. I'd bet it's haunted too since I'm sure some violent murders took place behind those walls. Gives me the willies just thinking about it. Good work Mr Motts.
Creepy looking joint for sure. I feel bad for the people who live nearby who have to look out their windows at that atrocity. Good riddence. They can't tear it down soon enough if you ask me. I know at least one other person who would emphatically agree. You know who you are if you read this. : - )
This is your greatest pic Motts, its absolutely amazing....visually arresting!! Can you email me at sonvolt@gmail.com? Id like your email addy, just too ask you one very simple question!!
this is not as organic/etheral as the rest of your photos. shows definate humanity- sick sense of humor. a human reaction to feeling lost in a dream and a bold proof that you are alive.
it is like an eye
the stuff of dreams- at this point, they can either go good or bad depending on the turn you take..
you are gifted. i love the colors in this.
thank you for the wallpaper- finally found something that i liked on my computer screen! thanks for the inspiration, there is not enough to be found in the world.. especially for free. it will come back to you..
looks like a crypt.
reminds me of prague. the aqua is a nice unexpected touch..
fascinating. a secret entrance for night creatures..
beautiful shot. the colors of life outside contrasted with the blackness of the soul inside... like looking out of the eyes of the dead..