3,287 Comments for Danvers State Hospital

I think there are two people standing in the other end of the corridor, two little girls in matching dresses. Or maybe that's just me.
Through the good offices of a friend of a friend. I recieved a brick from the Kirkbride Building. It's a memento I will treasure.Between my father, an aunt, myself, and my wife, we have worked at Danvers State for over a hundred total years. If I included me ex mother in law and father in law the toal jumps up to nearly 175 years of service at Danvers Stae Hospital. For many nostalgic reasons I am saddened to see the tearing down of a place where family members have served for many years. I hope the new developers show some respect for the place and preserve as much of the place as it is safe to preserve.

I've personally been to many of the places pictured in the gallerys. By the way Mr. Mott you did an outstanding job with this gallery. You treated the place right. Going on the developers will have the devils own time getiing rid of the tons of asbestgos contained in the property. It's everywhere
Hello everyone, I am new to this site, but I would like to toss my shabby hat in the ring if I may.
Like many others, I first saw this magnificent place in Session 9, and was awed to find that it was real. The photographs are lovely, and truly convey a tenderness and respect for their subject that I have not seen anywhere else on any other site. Thank you all for bringing this place to light. I will also be sad to see it go, and I do not envy the poor idiots who will be conned into living there later. They should be warned, it is not right to rebuild there. Anyway, thank you all, and Blessed Be.
I love the fog. It seems to drip in the back round.
Just out of the picture, is the Protestant chapel,Nurses home,and the Grey Gables. Did anyone notice,while driving north on Rt.1, that an aircraft arrow and North were painted on the Back side of the Nurses home roof.
The Kirkbride building was in use up through 1980 anyway. It might have been shut down for good in 1982> A friend who was in the National Guard,told me that they used to use Danvers State to sight in their weapons during weekend drills at the Nike Base. The Nike site would be located just to the left side of the picture on one of the hills in the middle distance
Was this shot from inside the ward or outside? Through the door seems so... sad.
I loves youse guys. :-)
Yup cus my frens mom sed that befor they burn the boddies thay take dem to a secrit room en drane the blood en den they painted the bilding red. I'm sorry I just can't control myself ; )
I worked in that building, I can't believe it is gone.
Do....you....think, maybe....that they painted building.....with....BLOOD?!?!?!
== : O
Why, it should indeed. Thank you.
great 1 motts i would do anythin 2 go there!

p.s i want more pics!
I lived in Lynn for a while and had a friend who worked here. I feel physically sick to think it's being demolished.What is wrong with this country to allow all of our wonderful old buildings to be torn down? I DON"T GET IT>