353 Comments for Königin Elisabeth Hospital

At least the art style is decent.
None of those things seem to go together. Hmmm...
Interesting stuff.
It's been a while. Wow! New change to the site, i'm really diggin' it Motts. Nice to be back!
the same more or less, except not at work while viewing! If I worked in an office with internet access at my desk I would NEVER get ANY work done, thanks to our good friend Mr. Motts! ;)
LOL. demanding and utterly devoted! I vote for documentary too! :)
lol im good just bored at work checking back here daily for motts next post ...u?
poor motts, we're all so demanding.......;)
I good idea would be to include in the book the BEST photo from each gallery or location, but how could we choooooooooose???? We could hold a poll and see which photos get the most votes.....
hey nick, no fighting this time, i promise! hows you???
lol no prob. tyne,... hey serenity whats up
Mr. Motts, I personally think a documentary would be much better then a book.
It looks like romanization of Japanese words. But they also appear to be a conglomoration of popular characters from various works spanning the world. The person who did these was well-read at least. For instance, the name "Paro" is a female character from an Indian work called Devdas that showed the pain of caste systems inflicted on the most loving of relationships. But most of the names seem to place this individual in the 1970s. Entering a few of the terms into wikipedia brings up things from that time period. Maybe I'm totally wrong. Fascinating though.
Great gallery as always Motts......I'd love a book too of your work....I hope someday you get to do a book.......on to the next gallery of pics.....Thanks Motts!!!!!!!!!! : )
The picture before this was creepy but the words are even creepier.....interesting & strange all at the sametime.
Like I said in the other thread these are still creepy......I wonder if this person is better? It does make you wonder....?? Questions with no answers really......