1,442 Comments for Beelitz Heilstätten

Blech. *peers into tub for closer look*
It is a pretty green. *walks past Nick and Serenity as they fight and just strokes the wall*

I love the gradient. :3
Awesome room!

Loove the green.
I know the doors are smashed, but I think it makes them even more gorgeous.
THAT doesn't look chipper. . .
I think it's pretty chipper! . . . for an autopsy room. . .
Pretty nice.

I like how some of the loose tiles are overlapping the ones that are still intact.

I'm sure the tissue samples appreciated it.
Hahah-- Katy and eldokid-- I shouldn't have laughed. . . but I did! XD

Seriously, though, I should HOPE that they had more than one back in the day!
Pretty angle.
It's prettier now. <3
Love that it's red.

Creepy little bugger of a door, isn't it?
Can you imagine how beautiful it would be to work in a lab like that back in the day? *imagines*
Looove it!

Aaaannd now off to the Pathology building! >D