364 Comments for Fort Marabout

Beautiful photograph, perfect lighting (as ever!) This is definitely the best website of its type on the internet (and I've looked at loads) . Thanks Mr Motts - love your work (especially the piccies with soap dispensers involved!!)
That is the coolest looking door!
Very good gallery and very interesting. (I also like the extensive greens). Great work!
Wow, that's in relatively good condition compared to other finds, Motts. And the colors!!! This is a gem.
That reflexion really plays with the eyes.
Yeah, the door almost looks diseased.
I love the green foliage in the opening with the rubble in the foreground. Wonderfully contrasting.
The colors are very nice in this one.
I adore this.
is that really deep
or is it just a few mm of water
I love how the left wall is silhouetted and the light is so refreshing. . . It almost carries more sorrow than nostalgia, though.
Considering the rest of the place, that stickers in rather good condition.
Very pretty.
They're so cheery! :D
It's as if the door's simply disintegrating before the camera's lens--