161 Comments for Université de Dubois


juste un mot pour vous diree que j'aime beaucoup votre travail..... plus que ds photo on visite les lieux.....


i like the way that the little pipes inside are falling off and listing away from the building, mimicing the abandonment of the building it's inside of..
It almost looks like a piece of glass leaned up against the stairwell banister.
I notice the graffiti "Urbex.nl" - That is the address of a Dutch Urban Exploration website. It looks like Motts isn`t the first Urban Explorer there - tho he is better behaved :D
Good pics as always.
Some people are just like slinkys...they don't do much but it puts a smile on your face when you push 'em down the stairs...
That's a new one on me..I heard she was bad she was very, very bad or else dreadful....I do like horrid though. Hope you spelt it right, cuz otherwise we are both wrong...lol

motts u never disappoint haha
maybe because it's frozen in time? Or maybe they used different kinds of paint? Who knows....but I agree this is definately one of the best "frozen in time" shots I've ever seen
everyone loves a slinky
The fact it mentions Baghdad might lead me to believe that it was left here possibly during the first Gulf War????
to pegasus64........and when she was good she was very very good. But when she was bad she was horrid (sp?)
when I went to college in the 80's this is what our classrooms looked like. The only difference is there were ashtrays on all of the desks. My how times have changed.
Great picture!
This room seems like it would be a perfect setting to have a dj come in, fill the room up with people, and party!
We had blackboards on the back walls of the lecture halls where I took classes in high school and college.

They weren't used much, but our instructors would put long term assignments and notes that would be needed for the whole semester on them. Such as parallel readings or reference section numbers, to make it easier for us.