424 Comments for Weston State Hospital

This is an amazing hallway Motts!
Interesting that they had 3 locks on those doors and the big screen on the one. Were any of the rooms padded?
I love the contrast of the shot, from the bright hallway into the darkness.
Scary, this makes me think of something like the KGB. I wonder if all the wards inside it were lock-down units or what.
That looks so cool.
More institution like but still a beautiful building
The staircase is amazing.
What a cool entrance, brooding and yet calling all to enter.
I live like 2 or so hours from here and this is on my to explore list. You just made my day Mr. Motts
Very Noir.
I'm with Tony C. I would bet a fan of yours placed that bulb there Tom.
that is one creepy shower/bath.
Awesome beautiful and clever event this gallery, and last of Weston, looking so good.
Thank you so very much and may you always be well is my wish.
How perfect - they really had skills back in the days. Simply complicated.
Would like tho have this anywhere in my house.