424 Comments for Weston State Hospital

Finding a new gallery up absolutely makes my day, week..month!! I look forward to seeing your pictures so much! Amazing as usual! Thank you for sharing.
awesome thanks motts
lol tony
lol... i thought you were looking down from above to a hottub, but its a bath tub..and your not above it this picture really messes with ya
This was an amazing album Motts, and now I'm even more excited for my trip to visit here.
Was it a belt? Or maybe some kind of restraint?
Such a cool staircase, and that banister is pretty cool.
This looks almost like a shot from a horror movie.
That is so weird about the light bulb and stuff, but Finally The SOAP DISPENSER! :D
I thought it looked more like The Grim Reaper Tony.
Maybe it was some kind of bath, like for new patients, or some kind of treatment room.
I wouldn't mind just sitting in a room like that with my laptop and a snack.
I wonder what the deal was with the 2 door set up. I guess they left them open and if the patient acted bad they closed the second door or something.
Quite the odd set up but it's pretty cool none the less.
What a cool wall