1,384 Comments for Gaebler Children's Center

God bless you all!
I came across an article called "Waltham demolition job closer to reality," and read that they've been eager to tear this place down for a long time, it's just been on the backburner over other projects. So abandoned enthusuasts, get your cameras and get this place before it finally comes down this year.
Since coming across this site, I've been doing some research on several of the abandoned buildings listed here, and out of all of them, I find this one the most unique. I read the story "To Hell and Back", and it made my heart sink. How could anybody be taken away from the tender love of their parents, and pt in a place like this. Just makes me angry that it took the DMH to realize that these kids benefit from community-based programs. To former residents: what was the genereal age range of the kids here?
yes i did join thank you
I was never there, but I'm sure if I was at the age I'm at now back then a docter would have prescribed for me to go there. I can't even begin to imagine what horrible suffering the patients who went there had to endure. I'm fifteen and an aspiring writer and am planning on actually writing a story about what life is like in a place like this to show people that not only is it not the only choice,-it's not the right choice.
If anyone is willing to tell their story to me, I'll be there to listen and it will help me understand all this more.
Thank you.
gaebler1988 did you join the new yahoo group? I was on D.
I think it was a "quota" kind of thing. Every single person I remember, never did less than 2 years and never more than 5. We weren't that screwed up that we deserved all of that. Yes, some of us had problems, some more than others, but still lock em up and throw away the key, until they had either "normalized" or aged out? Completely a conspiracy somewhere.
i guess instead of 'one flew over the coo coo's nest' i'd be 'one flew out of the coo coo's nest'
poor Dr. j. Meinke. Bet he had some explaining to do?
i wish i could of seen their faces. i never went back. supposedly the state"mass" refused to allow me to ever go back i was a danger and security risk.(roflmao)truth be known they were too stupid to catch me. love to see the offical discharge record of "where i am" or if i'm still a danger to myself & society.? its a joke we were all placed here for safety reasons and this was the worst place of all? god help massachusetts they really never had a clue
last time i saw scott he had stolen a car wrecked it and was looking at jail time. but its been 20yrs. god to say it make me feel ancient. we hung out on the outside but he got into some trouble and i was getting into my own trouble lost touch. he use to live in ispwich, ma.
I was on WSard D. im the one who was always made fun of, because i always screamed "my arm" when they restrained me ????
Gaebler 88
Who R U? Gie me some hints. I'm Dennis Bunting look me up on face book. Short blond hair, black shirt
Gaebler 88
Who R U? Gie me some hints. I'm Dennis Bunting look me up on face book. Short blond hair, black shirt
Gaebler 88
Who R U? Gie me some hints. I'm Dennis Bunting look me up on face book. Short blond hair, black shirt
Hey boiler I bet u remember me ....