6 Comments Posted by BOYEN

A couple of things here:
1 - first, what the hell were the point of these paintings? Comfort? Security, a sense of family?
2- If you are to make institutional murals, why would the characters be bathing? Weird
3- Why do they look so twisted?
From a philosophical standpoint, instituional murals such as theses (the animals and the happy sunshine) might attempt to fill the abscence of a parents love for their child while locked away here.
To all:
The city of waltham is demolishing this place very soon, in prbably the next month. Right now they're appropriating the money.
I assume that all electricity/utilities were shut off a long time ago
I came across an article called "Waltham demolition job closer to reality," and read that they've been eager to tear this place down for a long time, it's just been on the backburner over other projects. So abandoned enthusuasts, get your cameras and get this place before it finally comes down this year.
Since coming across this site, I've been doing some research on several of the abandoned buildings listed here, and out of all of them, I find this one the most unique. I read the story "To Hell and Back", and it made my heart sink. How could anybody be taken away from the tender love of their parents, and pt in a place like this. Just makes me angry that it took the DMH to realize that these kids benefit from community-based programs. To former residents: what was the genereal age range of the kids here?