596 Comments for Krankenbunker "Breuning"

Fabulous photo. I wonder how many flashlights and/or what type were used to light up this completely dark room this well.
Scary and beautiful at the same time.
Fabulous photo. I wonder what it smelled like in there?
Fabulous photo, would make great wallpaper.
Do you tie a rope at the entrance pipe and trail it out behind you so you can find your way back?
Wonderful, a new gallery!! I think it would be very claustrophobic to be in there in the pitch dark, and even with flashlights also.
what's the diameter of that pipe? Kind of hard to tell with not object for comparison.
I would be tempted to hold the camera lens up to the hole in the door, just to see what showed in the picture.
Love this shot.
Does that door look ajar !? Looks like the latch was broken. Might just be shadows, but, it would be cool to poke your arm around the edge and click a pic.
Or Al Capone's loot. Geraldo needs to investigate.
Thnx! This appears to have a bunch of genuine imagery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws0pq-pLfVI
I always see the "T" as something hanging down, and the "M" as two peaks sticking up.
Thank you Motts for doing this! Crawling through tat pipe would have made me crazy.......Awesome set!