464 Comments for La Crypte des Fleurs

Looks like Theodore Roosevelt.
A close-up of the Madame herself.
So creepy. Eyes staring out from the past.
...sorry, the words "whether it's a" should be in place of the word "whatever".
"Corps" is singular, so this is correct. It says:

"Here lies the body of Madame Florian Delmarcelle...Antoinette Sanson Lt. (?)
Died in (name of place) 20 November 1911 (?)
At the age of 63 years
Having received all the sacraments
Always interesting to see a photo at a grave (whatever tomb, grave, urn, etc..). Puts a face to the name, and makes you even more "aware" of the fact that this was a real person. Sets me wondering what she was like, and what her life was like. So many millions of people born and gone before most of us now were even a twinkle in someone's eye. Great gallery, and nice change of pace. Thanks :-).
Thanks once again Motts For a wonderful Gallery to see. Love your Site. Keep up the wonderful work. Love you Motts..........
You need to make this a wallpaper, Motts. I would use it in a nanosecond. It is so gorgeous....probably the best photo you've ever taken.
Awsome Gallery.
I agree with Canada too.
Absolutely Love Green WaterFall Mr. Motts.
I totaly agree with Julie. Julie You Go Girl.
I love looking at old holy relics.
I agree with Jaded. You Rock Jaded.
Absolutely Awsome Gallery