1,168 Comments for Salesian School

Now this sure is an interesting picture!
The same roof the 9-year-old fell off?
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness." ;-)
Fascinating shot.
This home must have been so lovely at one time, what a shame!
it's such a shame that such lovely plaster work has been left to deteriorate. shameful shameful. lovely photo, i love the way the light plays on the colors.
It was on the top floor of the building... either they followed the angle of the roof or the space was used for pipes, supports, etc.
The hallway would most likely be a later addition, from the pitch of the wall it seems to be the attic, am I right Mott?, so to conserve space and build more rooms, they followed the rafter angles.
Wow, that hall is quite peculiar...I wonder what the original builder's intent was? Perhaps he created that design for when it was abandoned, so that it gavethe effect that something just wasn't quite right.
Either way though, great shot.
Methinks it'd be hard to hand picture frames on that wall though.
St. Gonzaga is the patron saint of AIDS patients and teenagers, among other things.
tis was very tipical to houses built in the 1800`s and 1900`s this was rpobably part of the house and was used by the children due to the fact that the houses were built with space in mind for the older adults with little regards to children so the stairways and hall ways in this part must be very small to a person used to wide hallways......
There is a sub-basement yes, if you look on a stage, there's a hole in it that leads there. When you leave the auditorium, there should be a janitors closet on the right, there's stairs leading down into it there.