Double my luck today, two galleries to look at. Thanks for the story in the background text - very interesting. I'm glad the Dr. was finally discredited. This shot is a wonderful perspective - looks forboding, and the red brick adds a lot to it.
This led to an outdoor basketball court and aboveground swimming pool. I suspect the pool has been dismantled by now. Inside were two basketball courts and a seclusion area.
Ah, this is where they had the billiards table. That little door over to the left inside the nook was a patient's room. All the rooms were single occupancy, except that one (I recall two patients sharing that room).
Mr. Motts, you are exactly right about the mitts. I still have a set in my supply room, but we haven't used anything like that for years. People that hit or scratched themselves or others would have these mitts strapped on at the wrist to protect themselves or those around them. They were like a catcher's mitt in the front and mesh on the back to try to keep the hands cool.
Our facility had some doors like that and I think they were put in around 1978. I don't know that they reused old hardware here because it looks like what we have. I just don't think they were in to aesthetics.
When I see this I can imagine a bunch of little girls with black dresses and bows running around and giggling while painting the walls with their hands. Excellent work!!
It is........ i do not have enough words......HUGER and DIGNIFIED SPECTACULAR...... ohhhh: please..please...pretty please: SAVE IT!
It looks very good on Google Earth. Check it out.
Looks like the second floor dayroom to me. I remember the area well. I recall a bunch of old sofas in a rectangle, all facing each other, and a TV set on the far wall in that same area, and a billiards table about 100 feet away, in a small nook. There was also a nurse's station in a glassed-in area about 40 feet to the right of that shot.
I remember being a patient here back in 1991. If this hallway is on the second floor with the elevators behind you, my room was the one farthest on the right.