Again So Huge & So Wasted Away!
Another amazing spiral staircase
Amazing architecture
It's a lecturn. A podium is one you stand on
Does anyone else notice the black figure in the frame of the back door?
There are about 2500 graves there. Even though time has worn off the register numbers the hospital personnel do know who is buried there and where. These people are not forgotten. The shed to the left was the K-9 kennel when it was a prison.
It looks like a man on the podium
please contact me at
Sorry sending this from my phone. Looks like my key lad is messing up. Hope u understood that last post.
Some of us from the FOE 3204 the EAGLES. Will be in town to visit the other EAGLES for a state wide dart tourament. How or who cod we get a hold of the take a tour of this hospital. We talk aboug ig everygime we come. Bug whats the chances of get in.
Pvt. Joseph Joel Herndon is my great great grandfather. A cousin of mine located his grave and had it properly marked. He suffered from PTSD.
I totally did a double-take when I saw the shape of a person on the top of the altar. That is really creepy.
Amazing photos. Great pics of the cemetery. Thanks
The cold cruel hands of modernity seep in once more....
Someone stuck the wall through the paint shredder. That or it was going to be used for advertsing space with a "Take Me" slip to tear off for numbers and the like