473 Comments for Mission Hill Convent

YES - thank you so much - it is good, and a Different Gallery, and BIG, too.
Yes - Happy New Year. May you always be well is my wish.
(Will be back - don´t like to make a first comment, hahahahaha. )
Excellent Ride.........
YES! It is airy + spacious and good-looking.
A pretty Lamp still just hanging there. A favorite kind.
WOW - yes, concur, so happy now - A fresh Gallery - how cool!
- excellent way to start, and Happy New Year 2016 to you!
Thank you so much! For the link too, huge 60 pages read, bibliography and lots of old pictures really is quite awesome.
Yer the bestest.
( Google Earth real good too - StreetView and all - am grateful. )
Thank you for the lovely gallery Motts, and I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your friends and family.
Another Lonely Chair™ shot. This is also an example of graffiti I can't stand. If you're going to go to the trouble of hauling cans of spray paint somewhere, do something artistic or decorative at least — don't just do whatever *that* is supposed to be.
I don't approve of graffiti in a convent mind you, but whoever did that work did an excellent job. I can appreciate street art or "tagging" when it's skillfully done, even if I don't like where they put it.
Ah, is this one of your patented Lonely Chair™ shots? It's gorgeous regardless.
The woodwork above the door (and throughout this place) is gorgeous! what a shame, craftsmanship like that is hard to find!
So eerie. Loving this building!
The details are so beautiful! The woodwork, art, plaster, metal fixtures are all items we'll never see again. I hope they're not wasted.
All the meals those stoves cooked and now they just sit cold. . .
I remember lighting these as a kid (yes I did attend church at some point in life). I wouldn't mind one of these now, it would be nice to have for around the holidays.
The pews look like they are oak if I'm not mistaken, what a shame if all this was trashed.
those sell for a lot of money