348 Comments for Hart Island

Spectacular lighting.
The brickwork is so beautiful. Good question on the shadow...looks the right shape.
Awesome capture through the opening - looks like the hall goes on forever.
Ok I had to look that word up lol. Learn something new every day!
Ceilings not looking too good there and the rocks would explain all the broken glass.
The archway is beautiful. Looks like someone swept the center of the room.
Photo is rather haunting.
Nature spilling back into the room...reclaiming what was once hers.
Yes, that is correct, Iceberg; - said "Ahhh Lamps" out loud! Really cool ones too - and so many of them - was beautifully lit back in the days, methinks.
Breath taking. I would love to get a print of this.
Very powerful images. Your late friend is well honored. Thank You!
So wonder if these are the only copies of this, and like the graves, how many people are lost because these records are essentially lost.
I wonder if they were once, or someone planned on them being attached to lightning rods
those names were put their to honer these men's achievements. but was it in all in vain?
great photo name