521 Comments for West Middlesex Hospital

wonder how much they charge per limb??
nice timing!!
Where there any leftovers.
It hasn't been closed for long, from the looks of it....
Still awaiting their final "patients" looks like....
Lynne: A big place, or some very crappy doctors! ;)
I assume "brought in dead" was with the meaning that if the person died at the facility, they'd have a decent idea of why they died, whereas if a body was merely brought in from trauma, etc., they wouldn't have tested it for infectious disease yet, and it was basically a "holding area" (read: just in case the body's infectious).
I can see the practical jokes like a co-worker standing in one and screaming "Surprise" when someone opened the door. *chuckles* ahhh, good times.
"Look at this fabulous showcase..."!
I'd like that nice pedistal sink for my bathroom - it's a shame no one is rescuing these pieces
The trash can looks like it has a liner in it...
Haha, someone mentioned stitches.. Up until I had my son a year ago, I had never had stitches (and I still have not broken any bones or twisted any joints). While giving birth, however, I suffered a third-degree tear downwards that required immediate stitches. Despite my epidural (gah), I still required localized pain medication, although at first they were unaware of such and began stitching me up. A painful situation, believe me. Worse when your husband is standing across from you, staring, going, "I never want that again!"
Having given birth myself, the idea of these once-important parts of my/my child's anatomy being slopped into buckets and carted off is .. Odd. There are certain things you just don't think about when you go through something that natural and typical. Which leads me to wonder the eventual fate of all of the stuff that was lost during birth.. Blood, placenta, etc. ..