369 Comments for Normansfield Hospital

Beautiful !!!
A lot of nice details in this building. You just don't see that in modern structures.
This has a very French look to it.
I love the hardwood floors. A light sanding & some wood polish would make those shine like a new penny.
omg ive been in there i live 5 mins away from there its so creepy never goin in there again and that was the first place i got areasted cose your not aloud in there if you get a chance to go in there do it but dont go in stoned cose its reli not funny is you want eny more info about this place add me on fface book :jameswarren or msn:jame.sw@hotmail.co.uk
LOL @ J-131274. Big T is an ass who needs to be publicly whipped for desecrating this beautiful old building.

Okay, that's a bit extreme, but seriously. What a classless moron.
IR with a filter?
Frank-pgh. I'll see ya there.... I'm almost always in LOTR.!!
.........but we would save so much money on gym membership!
serentiyjane it is a great staircase! cant imagine climbing these! Maybe we would have Tina Turner legs if we did!
probably right Motts. We dont have balconies in uk! (too cold out to sit on one)
it looks like its gonna cave inwards ......it's so fragile looking, almost like paper. love it
I just got wonky-legs. Great shot!
I worked in a school in London that had a staircase like that....
Hey motts I just read that you confused 3am with 3pm....in uk it's easily done!
mmmm a bit homesick now looking at this amazing building....and what's with the BLUE sky? In UK? wow! you were lucky.......