314 Comments for Barnes Hospital

Even with the eye you have had with your photograph quality Motts, I wonder if there was a point of time where the kid in you had a rock in your hand with the windows being several of the focal points in your pictures.
Over all the architecture is Victorian Gothic Revival, but as the ginger bread/ lacy like work bodering the second floor is comon for East Lake Victorian. But as I see the parallel and lattitude lines as shown on the clock tower and sectioning the building shows the hinting of the arts and crafts movement, but that doesn't show up in art styling until the late 1890's
Nice addition Motts! Those darkened hallway shots could of used a ghost too. That would of been funny for extra comment reactions.
You know what they say, after midnight the magic is gone. But not completely.
This picture does cast some kind of movement in the Mona Lisa sense, I could of swore out of the corner of my eye, I saw the old window shades flutter slightly. Over course I am very exausted too. You give great effects Motts!
This place is mansion worthy! Just by the looks of it, this hospital can pass as the house in the movie, The Haunting.
Well Motts, I stand corrected about the snow like imagery......I'm use to conventional photography......like developing black and white film in a kettle and walker reels kinda stuff....I'm a grade A amateur!!!! I'll stick to writing instead!
The setting sun puts a better color to the pic.
But I wonder if the guts of the clock are still up there.
I agree with Nathan. There is a bit of a decention within the ornateness in styles though generations. From the Gothic revial here to Edwardian art nouveaux then after the Victorian era. Then on to art deco over to futuristic 60's mod, plastic fake disco from the seventies, geometic neon eighties, gold chained ninties to the bling-bling millenium. Yeehh... the taste in class as was displayed over one hundred years ago unfortnately is the primeval thing here in the 2000's.
Mott you are wonderful..These photos are breathtaking
i love the new comments layout.
Hauntingly Beautiful!
vraiment magnifique!!!!!!
Like others I have been "lurking" on your sight for quite a while and usually refrain from commenting. But your talent and eye for beauty deserve to be applauded. :) You have an awesome gift. Thanks for sharing it!
I love the imposing angle here. The textural feeling makes it a more visceral experience as well. It brings to mind still shots from horror films. This shot is just dying to tell a dark, complex and intriguing story. It's lovely.