314 Comments for Barnes Hospital

Could you imagine what the view would be like from up there? Oh, wait...just remembered it was by an on/off ramp...Oh well, back in the day I bet it was an awesome view! I don't see the gargoyles though. Maybe I am blind. I love the colors in this shot!
Is that one window boarded up or is that a shade? If it is boarded, seems odd the others aren't...Stunning shot!
It looks like skies from two different worlds are colliding up there and becoming one.
Or maybe they're battling to see which one will take over.
My bet is the one with the most light.
As always, this gallery was breathtaking!
Very surreal and beautiful..Nice work!
A shame that someone HAD to break those windows..
A really great looking clocktower!
Oh wow. Just beautiful...now THOSE are some window treatments! So MUCH detail but not to the point where it could have looked gaudy or over the top.
I feel like Frodo when he put on the ring. ; )
This photo just comes to life with the way you captured it and your description of what it was probably used for. I can actually imagine hearing the clip clopping sound of a horse drawn carriage pulling up to it. : )
AHA!!!! I KNEW I took the day off for a good reason! Where's my cup of tea?
Motts, I have to say that I had never seen infrared photos til I saw yours and it's definately been love at first sight!
Thank you! I couldn't have slept tonight, worrying that the little critters didn't get out in time before the building went down.
yeah, it looks like something out of Nosferatu. NIce work, as always!
They have all been released back into the wild...
Really neat photo! I saw a tree growing out of a roof gutter of a townhouse in New York City once. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, lol.